Welcome to 360 in 180, a new video tutorial series from luxury travel broker IWorld of Travel. Our company tagline, “Expect More. Do More. Know More.” encapsulates our commitment to providing our travel advisors with the knowledge and resources they need to exceed their clients’ expectations.

In this series, we will be interviewing industry experts and demystifying destinations and industry topics in order to give travel advisors a quick, easy-to-digest video that covers the important details without any unnecessary content. Our goal is to use 360 in 180 to give a painless jumping off point for the information you need to be confident in sending your clients anywhere in the world.

We understand that engaging with clients can be difficult, so we aim to help you make it easier. Our videos will be shareable with anyone in the industry, regardless of experience level, as we believe that rising tides raise all ships.

In each episode of 360 in 180, we’ll cover: • What is 360 in 180 and what topics will be covered • How often new episodes will be released • The benefits of watching for you, the travel advisor • Who the episodes can be shared with

Some of the themes we’ll cover include destination features (such as Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Columbia, Peru, Turkey, Croatia, Slovenia, Kenya, and Japan), product features (such as charters, groups, FIT bookings, faith-based travel, and family travel), and “Biz Bites” industry advice and education to help increase sales. These Biz Bites will cover topics such as being a better partner/engaging with clients, qualifying your client, budget and expectations, charging a fee, and asking for a deposit.

We hope that you’ll join us on this journey as we help you Expect More, Do More, and Know More in the world of luxury travel. Thank you for choosing IWorld of Travel.

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Expect More. Do More. Know More.