“The view of Jerusalem is the history of the world; it is more, it is the history of earth and of heaven.”
—Benjamin Disraeli

We believe in Israel. We have always believed in Israel.

We believed in Israel in 1967 when we opened for business just five months after the 6-Day War. And we believe In Israel just as much today following the recent tensions that broke our hearts as we all watched in dismay what was taking place to our neighbors and friends.


And as we did in 1967, IWorld of Travel is investing in Israel with launching our newest brand, Gelber’s Way, A Destination Management Company, that will ensure your clients experience in Israel is the way Israel is meant to be seen. With this decision, we are not only promoting the importance and beauty of Israel but are encouraging each and every one of you you to do so as well.

We are very grateful for your 50+ years of support, trust, and loyalty with our enduring partnership with Israel that provides memories beyond moments for each visitor each time they arrive to the Holy Land, and we look forward to another 50 years.


Michael Gelber

IWorld of Travel
An Ady Gelber Legacy Company.
P: 212.507.9204 M:916.835.6499

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