Argentina can be a beautiful, diverse and awe inspiring travel destination. Here are just a few highlights to enjoy on your travels:

  • Mar del Plata
    Buenos Aires is a city of jaw-dropping beauty. In lots of ways, you will feel as though you have magically been transported to Vienna. The European impression is overwhelming. The city is elegance itself. If you are a meat eater, make sure you experience four of the steak houses. You won’t be disappointed.The Mar de Plata is a must-see beach area. You can also hit the Mar de Plata Aquarium, play golf on five different courses. The area is also rife with discos. Try the ones on the “Noisy Avenue”, but don’t mention my name. There were.problems last time I was there.
  • Tierra del Fuego
    If you like waterfalls, this is the place for you. The Iquazu Falls are seven times as wide and taller than Niagara Falls. The Falls actually consist of over 250 cascades that came into existence due to a volcanic eruption. If you can, try to visit the falls in the spring or fall as it’s ungodly hot and humid in the summer.
  • Ushuaia, the capital of Tierra del Fuego, is the southernmost city in the world. From the city, you can take the “end of the world” train to see incredible snow covered mountain ranges in the Tierra del Fuego National Park.
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